25th Coming Fire & Jerry A ek aurkezten dute:Remains of the Remains.
Iparramerikako punkaren ikono eta musikari bikain honen eta Euskal herriko underground eszenako talde beteranoaren elkarlanetik, gordintasun, etsipen, min eta abiaduraz kargatutako 10 kanta sortzen dira.
Kontinente ezberdinetan grabatu delarik, Martuteneko Tulipan Negro estudioan eta Portland-eko (Oregon) Audiosege eta Smegma estudioetan hain zuzen, Poison Idea taldeko abeslariak bolumena gehiegi igotzera
ausartzen den edonorri egin diezaioken mina entzuteko aukera da…
Zirraraz, elkarlanez eta asmo onez kargatutako diska da honakoa, oraindik egiteko asko dagoenaren behin betiko proba, “bi errealitate alternatibok denbora-espazio plano berean talka egiten dutenean, zerua ozeanoen hondora presatzen denean, inork ez bait daki zer pasa daitekeen eta gelditzen zaigun bakarra itxarotea eta gainerakoen gainerakoa jasotzea bait da”.
25th Coming Fire & Jerry A present their new shared album Remains of the Remains.
The result of the collaboration between this excellent musician and icon of the North American punk and the veteran band of the underground scene of Euskal Herria, 10 songs appear loaded with harshness, desperation, pain and speed.
Recorded intercontinentally, at the Tulipan Negro studios of Martutene and Audiosege and Smegma in Portland, Or., is the opportunity to listen to the damage that the Poison Idea singer can do to anyone who dares to raise the volume too much … .
This is a disc full of emotion, collaboration, good intentions, the definitive proof that there is still much to do, because “When two alternative realities collide in the same plane space-time, when the sky rushes to the bottom of the oceans, nobody knows what can happen and we can only wait and pick up the remains of the remains.
Side A
1.-Remains of the Remains
2.-Big Brother
3.-zerO on the Left
4.-Alone and Gone
5.-The Perfect Family
Side B
6.- Don´t Believe
8.-Summer never Ends
9.- Star Explosion
10.- I´ll Rise
Jerry A- Voz.
Amaia- Voz.
Luisma- Guitarra
Totiu- Guitarra
Fumai- Bajo
Fabio- Bateria.
25th CF grabaron en los estudios Tulipan Negro de Martutene, de la mano de Luisma Inza.
Jerry A grabo su voz en Portland en los estudios Audiosiege de Brad Boatright y Smegma de Mike Lastra.
Mezclado y Materizado por Nick Zampiello en New Alliance studios, Cambridge.
El disco ve la luz de la colaboracion internacional entre Bonberenea Ekintzak y American Leather Records.
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